Change network fee

You can change the network fee in the Send screen or in settings. Transactions with low fees may take hours or even days to be confirmed, which can result in delayed or canceled exchanges.

We recommend using the “Medium” or “Regular” fee level in most cases. This is a sensible balance of speed and cost.

If you want a high chance of your transaction being confirmed quickly and don’t mind paying more in fees, you can up the fees to “Fast” or “Fastest”. The specific fee wording varies for some coins.

Change the network fee in settings

Follow these steps to change the network fee in settings:

  1. Click on the hamburger menu in the upper right of the home screen, or swipe right to left from the edge of the screen.
  2. Click “Settings”.
  3. Click “Fee priority”.
  4. Select your preferred option.

Change the network fee in the Send screen

Follow these steps to change the network fee in the Send screen:

  1. Click on “Send” on the bottom right of the home screen.
  2. Click “Estimated fee”. If you do not see this, scroll the top card so that it’s visible.
  3. Select you preferred option.